
Publicaciones de carácter académico, artículos científicos, libros y cuadernos elaborados por CEDI y sus colaboradores en su ámbito de investigación

Publicaciones científicas

Baloncesto en silla de ruedas

García-Gómez, S., Barakat, R., Pérez-Tejero, J., (2020). Shoulder Pain in Wheelchair Basketball Players. Orthopedics and Rheumatology.  Volume 17 issue 2 – October. 1-2: 2471-6804. Impact Factor: 0.712 (2017-18). DOI: 10.19080/OROAJ.2020.17.555958

García, S., Pérez-Tejero, J., Hoozemans, M., Barakat, R. (2019). Effect of a Home-based Exercise Program on Shoulder Pain and Range of Motion in Elite Wheelchair Basketball Players: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial. Sports, 7(8), 180.

Pérez-Tejero, J., García-Gómez, S. (2019). Preventive Program for Optimal Performance in Elite Wheelchair Basketball Players (mini review). Orthopedics and Rheumatology Open Access Journal.  Volume 15 issue 5 – February. 134-135. ISSN: 2471-6804. Impact Factor: 0.712 (2017-18). DOI: 10.19080/OROAJ.2020.15.555925

Pérez-Tejero, J., Coterón, J., Rabadán, M., Sampedro, J. (2018). Field test validation for wheelchair basketball players’ aerobic capacity assessment. European Journal of Human Movement, 40, 136-148.

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Ferro, A.,  Garrido, G., Villacieros,  J., Pérez-Tejero, J,  y Grams, L. (2017). Nutritional habits and performance in male elite wheelchair basketball players during a precompetitive period. Adapted PhysicalActivityQuarterly, 34, 295 -310.

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García-Gómez, S., & Pérez-Tejero, J. (2017). Shoulder pain according to age, wheelchair use and years of injury in wheelchair basketball players. Motricidade, 13(1), 117.

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García-Gomez, S., Pérez-Tejero, J., Ocete, C., y Barakat, R. (2017). Expert’s opinion of a home-based exercise program for shoulder pain prevention: application in wheelchair basketball players. Psychology, Society, &Education, 9(3), 433-445.

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García, S. y Pérez-Tejero, J. (2017). Wheelchair basketball: influence of shoulder pain in sport skills. Journal of Sport Psychology, 26 (suppl. 1), 45-49.

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